The Raw Deal (14 December 2022)

1 year ago

When you consider the alternatives of (h1) the election was honest and authentic vs. (h2) it was massively stolen, the question becomes which hypothesis, if it were true, would confer the higher probability upon the available relevant evidence. We have a NH town of 700 casting 1100 votes for GOP Senate candidate. We have the tabulators working the night before but somehow don't the morning of the election in Maricopa County. James Carville says his party would have lost 57 seats in the House but for Donald Trump, which is an admission that there would have been a "red wave" but for stealing the election, which is disgusting beyond belief. Emercal Robinson says "It's Deja Vu all over again" as the 2022 midterms are stolen on an ever greater scale than the 2020 Presidential election. It even turns out that abortion did not harm GOP candidates, many of whom prevailed in races in spite of being pro-life. Paul Craig Roberts adds further thoughts about the theft of the election, where it has become obvious that the US has become corrupt to the core--even more so than many third-world nations, who would not allow anyone to vote without an ID. After all, even if they were qualified to vote, with no ID, they could vote over and over again--as appears to have been the case here. Calls from Bruce in TX, Paul in CA, and Brian in MO.

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