Part 8/8 ‘Vaccine’ hesitancy and the use of mandates to overcome it. | The Controversy Continues

2 years ago

Mandates were used to get acceptance and bypass hesitancy. What does the law say about it? Do we have to have informed consent in the workplace being exposed to a specific biohazard or harm? You can’t use a workplace and the need for someone to earn an income to force or coerce them into taking a specific treatment.

On Tuesday 7 June, the Chief Executive of NEASA, Gerhard Papenfus, participated in a panel discussion during the CHRO-SA’s virtual HR Indaba. The topic was Mandatory vaccinations: Where we are now and where we are headed'. Two of the other panellists were Dr Noluthando Nematserani, Head: Centre For Clinical Excellence at Discovery, and Steven Teasedale, Chief People Experience Officer at Discovery. Dr Nematserani invited the CE of NEASA to a further discussion to convince him that taking the ‘vaccine’ is the appropriate action, but she herself has since declined numerous requests for such a debate. This series of videos is about certain comments made by Discovery with regards to Covid vaccines and vaccine mandates. Discovery claims to have played a very important role in convincing South Africa that taking the ‘vaccine’ is the solution to the Covid-challenge.

Participants Dr Herman Edeling (Neurosurgeon), Dr Stephen Schmidt (Physician), Prof Johann Holm (Engineer) and Gerhard Papenfus (CE of NEASA) discuss.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

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