Earth religion: BBC lies by omission regarding agenda - UK Column News - 14th November 2022

2 years ago

- BBC—COP27: Ukraine a reason to act fast on climate change—Rishi Sunak
- Cash is king: Xiye Bastida (20) from Mexico attends COP at Sharm el-Sheikh—to lobby for monetary compensation for “loss and damage”
- Another Generation Z representative at COP: Sophia Kianni (also 20)
- “Climate justice activist”, author and model Mikaela Loach (24) is Scotland’s own youthful rentaquote seeking a new world
- Mikaela Loach tweets about her book deal
- Clip: The quality or otherwise of Mikaela Loach’s thought—and she urges the public to pre-order her book especially because she’s black
- David Scott analysis: Not very good and not very Scottish, but fully neo-Marxist and collectivist; “once we’ve destroyed everything, we just keep destroying until the wonderful utopia emerges”
- Various profound tweets by Mikaela Loach shown on screen:
- Clip: Sky Australia—Paul Murray Live—Developing countries want “climate reparations”
- Loach retweeted Sarita La Colocha's indignant tweet on scabies outbreaks among migrants in hostels; no mention of the inequities of vaccine damage


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