Last Stop Before I Get Epsteined

1 year ago

Ali Hailey
Alleyway Top G
I'm going to be homeless soon
pull all the strings that you know please

I'll never see Shibuya's
skyline lanterns sway
lashed in the wind by the rain
It's probably overrated anyway

Take it easy on me today

Aliohsa, I'm gunna steal your property
Aleleuia, look how the lord provides for me

I'm gonna say
you will not stop me
with my best friends
when I meet them
I'm gunna say what I mean

Bill. Bill, Bill, C16
show me what to believe

but please don't be long
cause I bet the farm
I didn't break through the wall
before your vines did the ceiling

sleep in the hollow
winter will follow
heard a wolf call through misty trees
and smiled in your sleep

but please don't be long
cause modern
life is too long for me

Another crises actor
fucking up your countries ESG
Another conspiracy
fucking up your family tree

burn the bridge and melt the beams
illuminate the night
do you feel rage you didn't choose
keep your rifle by your side

carefully, go dark for the glowie's

easily baffled have we been
the policed of speech
the scapegoatless fear
they must be
the secret sick and dirty enemy
of which they hear

what if the sleep was you?
what then would you do?
would you turn in on your own?
or would you switch sides?

like me....
If I wanted you too?
tell me truely
someday, before I die
but not tonight

lie down by my side
and whisper in my ear, lies that only I can hear
I wont be divided when we unite
I'll rest easy knowing my sons can get what they like

took their language and their children
privateer the commons for our own
we've the magic words
if they just ask nice
and look us in the eye in our homes

lie down and lie to me
so I don't feel like a slut
if I am decieved I've got a story
i'm not betraying anyone

but please don't be wrong
cause I sold the farm
I can't take your lovely bones
or you families graveyard

restless and hollow spring up to follow
arise from adolescent vampire dreams
there's a reason, there's a reason

edge of the world's always across the rising sea
my thirst isn't quenched the more I drink the more I seek
Numenors gone off the surface
leaving me 10,000 leagues deep

gene says we'll be kept in brutality
for the sake of the rest of the galaxy
he who punishes gives us a hunger for
others childrena and speech

Neverland is where we get our best stories from
and I don't need to tell you
just how much they become
how much these lies mean to us

to us, to us to us
I've got the bug
I don't believe them anymore

Edward you're making me seethe,
the wind that shakes the barley whispers secrets through the heath
tongues flicker
from out past the cliffs holding the sea

Leanardo fr fr no flat cap,
you've been out getting after that young mona lisa ass
What a dumb beautiful story
Stephanie Taylor I'm stealing your glory

Stretch Peter thin over too much territory
like butter over too much bread
hasn't aged a day, but is fading
and I say
can you take me there someday instead?

I remember the warming
rising up to swallow me
more pepper now, less saline
In time, I might succumb to a basic destiny, in which I didn't believe

to be unreachable
perfect memory
both of them beieve
but I've never been as sure as they seem,
for a long, long while

then just please don't be long
come back, come back, come back with stories
but this time please don't be wrong-
like you've always been

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