Freelancing Mindset

1 year ago

One of the things that you do is help freelancers kind of change their way of thinking around the whole concept of freelancing versus owning a business versus being self-employed. Can you elaborate on what that means for freelancing?

Yes. So a lot of times when I speak to a freelancer who's just starting out
or someone who is looking to get into a side hustle or even a full-time freelancing gig. They're excited. The things I hear are things like, oh, I've gotta get my resume ready. Or, oh, self-employment is hard. What happens is they get into this mindset that they are the employee of another person,
and they start chasing jobs, and they start filling their space with that, clinging to whatever jobs they can get. The successful freelancer approaches things a little differently. So in my space, in my experience,
success comes when you shift your mindset and you become a business owner. You are a freelancer. You are a person with a magic power a secret sauce, a sellable skill that someone really needs. They require that skill of yours. You are not employed by them. You are providing a service. When freelancers start to shift that mindset that's when they become successful.
That's when they say, look that world, this is what I have to offer and they started attracting clients that pay and that kind of fit their mindset and who they can best serve in the world.

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