Local cops #wps beat middle aged man with Bio Polar.

2 years ago

So I was going to get my G license at my local MTO and when you walk in you have a kiosk and so I go to it and it asked for stuff for the car I was driving didn't know I needed it so I went back out the car got the ownership and insurance card and went back and there was to people in front of me so I had to wait maybe 10 mins till they were done filling out-there stuff I get to the machine and out my info in and it tells me I'm late. Well, I wasn't late I was there just didn't know I need all that other stuff. So I went up to the counter and talk with a woman and she said well you were to be here 30 mins early I said what? yeah 30 mins early I said you crazy when you get an appointment and they tell you a time then you be there by that time if you want me there earlier then just make an appointment for 30 min earlier so I said I wanted my money back or a free appointment she said to know you have to pay again I said like fuck they stole from me the first time and know there doing it again so that is when the video started the video stopped but my voice recording was still going so everything from when my phone dropped was recorded on voice and they beat me to put the cuffs on so hard when I got to the cop's shop I asked for photos of my wrists and the Sargent wouldn't take photos that's one record so I'm taking it to judge and jury then going to sue them after that.
#woodstock #beatingbycop #thinblurrlinegang

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