Ep 4 Dangerous Data with Chris Gutierrez CTO of ShelFi about Omni Channel Commerce

1 year ago

Chris Gutierrez is the CTO, of Tech Innovations and ShelFi.
He has over 20 years in software development with strong skills in UI/UX (User Experience) and Lean Methodologies. Over 25 years as an entrepreneur, which includes owning retail stores, running design studio and software development. Chris has also been involved working with startups for 6 years, with numerous successful web and app launches. We talk to Chris about the Startup Scene in Vietnam, and why he left the Philippines to join the Incubator Antler in Vietnam.

We talk about his new startup - renting Shelf Space at local (last mile) existing locations. They are going to be the AirBNB of Retail Space!

Chris also discusses the startup scene in ASEAN nations and why he chose to move to Vietnam.

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