Police Just Need Their ID Fix!!

1 year ago

I was recording at the Lincoln City Post Office within the guidelines on their Rules and Regulations on conduct in the Post Office. Before I even went in, outside on the sidewalk, the Post Master told me it was Private Property and said I had to leave then just walked off. Then the Police came and that's the start of the video. I left out the beginning out of respect for the patrons.
My goal is to change how law enforcement treats the public. Our founders set up a system of governance that's supposed to be an upside down pyramid with all the people on top and in charge with the next section representatives to give voice to those in charge and the next section an executive branch to carry out what those in charge want!!! Law Enforcement is set up to protect those rights and they all take an oath to the Constitution. What we are seeing is Liberty stripped, law enforcement and public servants who think they are above their bosses creating a citizenry that lives in a type of fear of them, that is tyranny. I am here to expose the authoritarians in our public servants, educate the citizenry of their actual rights and help liberty to find it's way back. I hope you will join me by redressing the government when you see the tyranny as you saw in this video. The information for the Lincoln City Police is Below.

Lincoln City Police Department
1503 SE East Devils Lake Rd
Lincoln City, OR 97367
Phone: (541) 994-3636

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