EFT (Tapping)...Letting Go of Guilt and Moving Into Forgiveness

2 years ago

#EFT#meditation #howtoforgive #acourseinmiracles #ShayoliHope

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EFT, Getting Rid of Guilt. Moving into Forgiveness

M name is Kolae Perkins I am in EFT and Foot Zone practitioner, Also a Frequency Up Lifter

EFT tapping letting go of guilt and moving in to forgiveness

Why forgiveness? Why would anyone want to forgive?

We all want to have love in our lives.

There is no love without Forgiveness. There's no forgiveness without love.

On the map of Consciousness, you can see That the frequency of guilt is clear down at 30. I'm a frequency Up lifter. I don't want you to be at 30, I would love to see at least 200 if not much higher.

Let's work on getting rid of guilt, by doing some EFT. We're going to start by tapping on the small Meridian. It is found on the side of the hand as you tap, repeat after me.
Even though I have an attachment Guilt,
I love and accept myself completely,
With infinite love and gratitude,
I release and forgive.
Then I want to hold your hand and I want you to exhale all the air out of your lungs, by pushing that diaphragm up.

Please hold this empty space,then look inside your body, feel the energy of guilt, feel it building. Let it release and move out of the body.

Now we're going to do this again this time we're going to go a little deeper into that guilt. The guilt that someone else gave you. They told you something about yourself. You feel bad about yourself.

One more time as we do at this time we're looking at the chain that connects you to your parents to your grandparents to your great-grandparents and so on. We've all experienced guilt and some didn't know how to get rid of it. They created this chain of DNA and emotional guilt that you now carry

We can release it through I love and accept.
Place your arms up in the air and look to your God, your father, who is in heaven. I want you to feel his love, collect it in your arms and then bring it right down into your chest.

I teach A Course in Miracles and in here there is this little bit that I wanted to read to you. ^It says,
“I must have decided wrongly, because I am not at peace.”
“I made the decision myself, but I can also decide otherwise.”
“I want to decide otherwise, because I want to be at peace.”
“I do feel guilty, because the Holy Spirit Will undo all the consequences of my wrong decision if I will let him.”
“I choose to let him by allowing him to decide for God for me”

I choose to let him meaning the Holy Ghost. By allowing him to decide for God for me. The atonement works, the atonement of Jesus Christ it works. All we have to do is decide that were willing to let go. To turn towards our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. Allowing the Holy Spirit to be an important part of our life.

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