BOOM!! Calif breaks its own constitutional law - The Election Process is NULL

2 years ago

10/04/2022 - Evidence from DMV is given to Sacramento County BOS from one of WeThePeople proving that the Calif Constitution Article 2 Section 2 is not being followed by the Secretary of State.

The California Constitution Article 2 Section 2 states a US Citizen 18 years or order and a resident of California may vote. The CA Secretary of State certifies the election process by relying on the DMV. Nevertheless, the DMV's legal department wrote in a FOIA request letter that citizenship is not verified for any voter registrations that it sends on to the Secretary of State.

Maxims of Law: 46d. Where the law prescribes a form, the nonobservance of it is fatal to the proceeding, and the whole becomes a nullity.

By God, WeThePeople must wake up and realize it is our duty to hold all public servants accountable for this maladministration.,_California_Constitution

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