Raising Resilience & Reducing Stress - with Karen Ross

2 years ago

Join Wake Up Your Woo host Natalie Cutler-Welsh with special guest Karen Ross to dive into the topic of raising resilience, stressing less & being more present.

Karen is a Business Coach & Intuitive Healer specialisng in resilience & brilliance at work. She works at the intersection of the personal and the professional, with a unique blend of business coaching and personal transformation that helps people evolve themselves personally and thrive professionally.

Based in beautiful New Zealand, she specialises in resilience, wellbeing, emotional healing, trauma clearing, high performance, and lifestyle design.

Karen knows how to get stressed-out business owners and professionals out of the mire of busy-ness and burnout and into their ideal flow of ease and brilliance at work and in life.

Oh, and live more soul-led lives.

For more interviews, events, coaching & connections to Align & Amplify your life & business check out: https://linktr.ee/gotogirlnz

Nat's website: UpYourBrave.com https://upyourbrave.com/ Follow me on Instagram: @gotogirlnz

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