🤔 Thought Conditioner 📖 🙏🏼

1 year ago

⚡️ Secular society has all but dismissed the concept of repentance by redefining it as religiously legalistic jargon. In the Bible, however, we find it’s true meaning. It means to turn. We must repent from our old godless ways and sinful behavior in order to be born again. As believers, repentance is part of our glory-to-glory, faith-to-faith sanctified process of spiritual growth. When we read God’s Word (the 66 books of The Holy Bible) we oftentimes don’t realize it’s reading us. The Abundant Life involves regularly dying to our fleshly ways and clothing ourselves with God’s ways, which never involves shaming ourselves and always leads to personal victory. Repentance helps to not only strengthen not only the individual, but the interconnected family as well. Find out more about our marriage enrichment book, The Love Battery, at WeAreTheBryants.com 📕 💍 💪🏼

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