RT News - November 14th 2022 Late

1 year ago

CNN, Sky News and other journalists have had their work permits taken away as they try to report in Kherson. Ukraine has banned journalists for reporting from Kherson, which has been locked down by Kiev's military. Many thousands of citizens were evacuated from Kherson last week yet still an anti-Russian purge leads to some people being harassed and abused there without being asked if they are pro-Kiev or pro-Russian, some detained by troops and their eyes and ears taped shut; some tied up to posts and other abuses. Their crime is apparently treason but without so much as a hearing or trial. (1)

In the UN assembly, they are trying to to pass a resolution to take Russia's sanctioned (hijacked) FX and other monies to pay for reparations in Ukraine. This resolution is unique and not in the powers of the assembly. It's well over $1 trillion.

'A killer being first to show up at a crime scene' - that's what Türkiye has called Washington's condolences over the deadly terror attack in Istanbul, which Ankara blames on allegedly US-backed Kurdish militants.

The US President gets friendly with his Chinese counterpart, despite Joe Biden earlier pledging to act tough with Xi Jinping over so-called 'red lines' in relations between the rival countries.

Pakistan's Finance Minister has told U.S. officials that they will not stop buying oil from Russia. Important as U.S. is not in a position to fulfil Pakistan's demands for energy products.

Via RT website 14 Nov, 2022 08:10

---- Ukraine bans US and UK media outlets from Kherson ---

The move comes despite Western reporting aligned with Kiev’s narrative

The Ukrainian military says it has removed the accreditation of several foreign and local journalists for reporting without permission from the city of Kherson, from where Russian forces were withdrawn last week. Staff with CNN and Sky News are among those affected, a local NGO told the Ukrainska Pravda news website.

“Recently, some media representatives… carried out professional activities in the city of Kherson even before the completion of stabilization measures,” Ukraine’s General Staff said in a Facebook post on Sunday.

It accused the journalists of “ignoring existing prohibitions and warnings” and operating in the city, which has fallen under control of the Kiev forces, without authorization from Ukrainian commanders and the military's PR services.

“Work permits of the media representatives, who violated the rules of work in the combat areas, had been canceled and their press cards are recognized as not valid any more,” the General Staff said.

It did not name the media workers or organizations which lost their credentials. However, the NGO Detector Media told Ukrainska Pravda that at least six journalists were affected, from US broadcaster CNN and Britain’s Sky News.

Detector Media also cited comments from military spokeswoman Natalia Gumeniuk, claiming that she had “information about the withdrawal of accreditation from the Sky News and CNN crews. There is also information about an Italian media outlet that was there as well.”

“The media are not supposed to be working in Kherson yet, due to the danger. This is what the command decided,” Gumeniuk explained, adding that the “ban exists for everyone” and that it was announced officially.

Russian officials have been accusing the media in the US, UK and other countries, which are backing Ukraine, of providing completely one-sided coverage of the conflict. In September, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said any “inconvenient truth, which shatters the image of Ukraine as a victim of the so-called aggression, is being hushed up or sometimes frankly blanked out” in Western reporting.

In July, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) criticized Ukraine over “abuses” against foreign and local journalists, saying that thousands of them had “difficulties gaining access to certain places and difficulties filming or taking photos, and even are occasionally detained.” The group cited an unnamed media worker, who claimed that “the Ukrainian authorities see foreign journalists as influence relays rather than information vehicles.” The RSF acknowledged that restrictions linked to national security were legitimate, but insisted that Kiev had been applying them disproportionately.

Via RT website 14 Nov, 2022 16:43

---- Poland to seize Russian assets – media ---

Authorities reportedly want to take over Gazprom’s stake in the Polish section of the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline

Warsaw is set to confiscate the assets of Russian energy major Gazprom, the country’s media reported on Monday. The move will target the company’s 48% stake in EuroPolGaz, which owns the Polish section of the Yamal-Europe pipeline that carried Russian gas to the EU.

The decision to seize Gazprom’s shares was reportedly made by Minister of Development and Technology Waldemar Buda at the request of Poland’s Internal Security Agency. It is intended to “ensure the security of [Poland’s] critical infrastructure,” the ministry said.

According to the media, Polish authorities said the order should be implemented immediately and established a mandatory administration in respect of the Russian entity to ensure the continued functionality of EuroPolGaz, a joint venture between the Russian gas major and Poland’s PGNiG.

The Polish energy major also owns a 48% stake in EuroPolGaz, and Gas-Trading SA the remaining 4%. The Yamal-Europe gas pipeline passes through Russia, Belarus, Poland and Germany, and used to carry nearly half of Gazprom’s westbound gas deliveries.

Poland’s sanctions against the Russian gas producer have deprived the company of its shareholder status in EuroPolGaz since April, blocking its voting rights and the ability to repatriate dividends.

In May, the Polish government terminated a Russian natural gas contract ahead of its end-2022 expiry date, saying the country’s section of the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline could be used for supplies from Germany.

Via RT website 14 Nov, 2022 11:50

---- UK PM labels Russia ‘rogue state’ ----

Rishi Sunak calls out President Vladimir Putin for not attending G20 summit amid the Ukraine crisis

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is making no “attempt to explain his actions” in Ukraine, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak wrote in a statement for The Telegraph on Sunday, ahead of his trip to Bali to participate in the G20 summit.

Sunak demanded that “leaders take responsibility” and “show up,” denouncing Putin for refusing to personally attend the summit “to face his peers” and for sending Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov instead.

The British PM went on to praise Ukraine and its leader Vladimir Zelensky, and outlined a five-part action plan intended to offer more support to Kiev and combat Russia’s “weaponization of food,” and its alleged attempts to “asphyxiate the global economy.”

“We will not let our economic future be held hostage by the actions of a rogue state – and nor will our allies. Instead, we will stand with Ukraine and we will work to deliver on each element of this five-point plan,” Sunak concluded.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has responded to the British premier’s statement by pointing out that accusing Russia of “weaponizing” food was “fundamentally wrong.” He explained that Moscow does not interfere with the supply of food to world markets and instead helps ensure that a small amount of these supplies are successfully delivered.

“The vast majority of food supplies from the global volume are not related to either Russia or Ukraine,” Peskov told journalists on Monday.

This comes as world leaders gather for the G20 summit in Indonesia, which will officially begin on Tuesday. Some believe this gathering may come down to a Russia-bashing fest, as Politico reports that Indonesian President Joko Widodo has been urging Western politicians at the summit to soften their criticisms of Moscow so that the event may end with a joint declaration from all members, including Russia and China.

Widodo is also reportedly seeking to avoid excluding Russia from the forum and making it the G19, which the G8 (now G7) did after Crimea voted to become part of Russia in 2014.

Russia will be represented at the summit by Sergey Lavrov after it was revealed last week that Putin would not be traveling to Indonesia, nor addressing the assembled leaders via videolink. Peskov explained on Monday that the president had decided to skip the summit because his attention is currently required at home and “circumstances dictate the priority” of him being in Russia during this time.

Although he will not be personally attending the summit, Putin has previously explained Russia’s position on the conflict in Ukraine on numerous occasions and has outlined a number of historical, geopolitical and security reasons which prompted Moscow to launch its military operation against its neighbor in late February.

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