November 15 - Daily Reading from the Twenty-Four Hours A Day Book - Serenity Prayer & Meditation -AA

2 years ago

November 15 - Daily Reading from the Twenty-Four Hours A Day Book - Serenity Prayer & Meditation - Alcoholics Anonymous

If you or someone you care about is suffering from addiction, there is help available.

Are you trying to stop drinking?

Do you think you may be an alcoholic?

Alcoholics Anonymous has been successful in saving millions of lives and families.

Local meetings can be found online.

Reach out if you would like assistance.

November 15

Thought for the Day

I am less sensitive and my feelings are less easily hurt.
I no longer take myself so seriously.
It didn't used to take much to insult me, to feel that I had been slighted or left on the outside.
What happens to me now is not so important.
One cause of our drinking was that we couldn't take it, so we escaped the unpleasant situation.
We have learned to take it on the chin if necessary and smile.
When I am all wrapped up in A.A., I do not notice the personal slights so much. They do not seem to matter so much.
I have learned to laugh at self-pity because it's so childish.
Am I less sensitive?

Meditation for the Day

God's miracle-working power is as manifest today as it was in the past.
It still works miracles of change in lives and miracles of healing in twisted minds.
When a person trusts wholly in God and leaves to Him the choosing of the day and hour, there is God's miracle-working power becoming manifest in that person's life.
So we can trust in God and have boundless faith in His power to make us whole again, whenever he chooses.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that I may feel sure that there is nothing that God cannot accomplish in changing my life.
I pray that I may have faith in His miracle-working power.

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