Music of Worship (11-13-22)

2 years ago

Meditation (0:00)
Psalm 8 (0:58) (The Book of Psalms for Worship, 2009-©Crown & Covenant Publications – used by permission)
Psalm 15 (3:00) (text: Michael E. Owens ©1996 – used by permission)
Kyrie (4:46) (©2009 Gregory D. Wilbur, – used by permission)
Psalm 24 (6:08) (music: David R. Erb, ©2006 – used by permission)
Sanctus (8:43) (Music: James B. Jordan, 2015 -used by permission)
Psalm 119:161-168 (9:21) (Tone V: David Madeira – used by permission)
In Christ Alone (11:30) (music: Keith Getty1995; text: Stuart Townend, 1995 – CCLI License #11574294)
Alleluia (16:46)
The Nicene Creed (15:00)
My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less (17:16) (public domain)
Doxology (20:12) (public domain)
Psalm 20 (20:55) (text: Douglas Wilson ©2001 – used by permission)
The Lord’s Prayer (23:39) (Music: James B. Jordan & Sarah Garner, 2011 – used by permission)
Proclamation of Faith (25:22) (Music: James A. Kriewald, ©1985 The United Methodist Publishing House – CCLI License #11574294)
Psalm 128 (25:45) (The Book of Psalms for Singing, 1973 ©2009 Crown & Covenant Publications - used by permission)
At the Lamb’s High Feast (27:46) (public domain)
Psalm 22:22-31 (30:02) (The Book of Psalms for Singing, 1973 ©Crown & Covenant Publications – used by permission)
Benediction (34:21)

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