Truth vs. NEW$ Part 1 (13 November 2022) with Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and David Kenney

2 years ago

Putin won't join the G-20, probably prudent given the prospect of attempts to assassinate him. Finland's President says they are not planning on taking NATO nukes, but NATO may have a different agenda. Britain's putting up its new migrants in 5-star hotels! Billions has been sent to Ukraine by the Democrats to "fight Russia" only to be returned via FTX to fund Democrats and steal the midterms. A meticulous study reported by Paul Craig Roberts demonstrates that the only way the Democrats could have prevailed in the midterms is by theft because almost every voting block was defecting from them to the GOP, which meant that the "red wave" would have taken place absent vote manipulation and production. Roger Stone reports "we are watching the first wholly manufactured election in our history", where we have abundant proof of ballot dumps to generate the preferred outcome. Biden bragged about rigging the Brazilian election, where the same team appears to have rigged ours right here at home. Does that come as any surprise?

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