Oct 21, 2005 🎺 The Word of God is Truth, leading to Life... A Letter from Timothy

1 year ago

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A Letter from Timothy… The Word of God is Truth, leading to Life… Come & Depart from the World

October 21, 2005 – A Letter from Timothy, moved by the Spirit of God – For all Those who have Ears to hear

Dear loved ones, who are my friends and family, and to those who I do not know and who will receive these words, I greet you and plead with you to listen for your sakes… So we might become one in Christ, for The Father’s glory, who resides in Heaven… Hallowed be His name… And all blessings, dominion and thanksgiving to His Son, called The Christ and Jesus. Amen.

I write to you this day, as a man moved by the Spirit of God, which is received through Christ, so those who have heard might hear more and be given greater understanding… Also, to those who have heard yet resist, so that they may no longer resist, but come into that joy which is in Christ, by way of His words spoken through mere men who have become His servants and vessels shaped by His hands, having been engrafted with His words for His glory, so you may be saved from the Day of Troubles.

And to those, who reject these words and speak evil of me, a warning… Know who it is you reject and whose doings you speak evil of. I forgive you for those things spoken evil of me, as I am commanded by Him who has forgiven me in His blood and suffering, Who has also forgiven you if you so choose to accept that forgiveness. For we are commanded to forgive every one who sins against us, as we are forgiven by Him who all have sinned against. Even so, be careful that you do not blaspheme the Spirit, out of ignorance or your own evil desires to hold onto your sin, for whether you believe me or believe me not, I know who it is I serve and who it is speaking to me… His will shall be done.

The time, when we shall be judged, has come, and has been already, since The Christ was upon the earth and died and rose again. Since that day, we have all fallen under judgment, or passed from judgment, according to our belief and faith and those works worked in that faith.

In times past, all peoples lived in and with sin… And in their ignorance of the Truth did God wink. Now the Truth has come into the world, and has been present in the world for over two thousand years. The Word came into the world speaking the truth, as He heard from God. The children of disobedience would not listen, and held fast to their sin.

The children of disobedience were we and still are. So then He, called the Truth, was persecuted, then violently opposed and killed for His testimony. Then did He sleep and rise again on the third day. So likewise, Christ’s followers in the past and His followers still living, who have the truth within them, were and are still persecuted, violently opposed and killed for their testimony. Know this… All truth is first ridiculed, then violently opposed, then accepted as self-evident… The day of violence is upon us all.

And the Day quickly approaches, when the Truth shall shine, from the east unto the west, in all His glory… All will then accept Him as the undeniable Truth… And those, who fall to their knees in repentance and great wailing, they will be set at His right hand…

Those, who gnash their teeth and fight against the Truth, even though they accept HE IS, will be cast into the fire. One day has passed, the second is ending, and just before the third, The Lord’s elect shall rise and live… In the third day, they shall be established and live in His sight.

All those who rejected Him or did not know Him, will also be raised and live at the end of the Millennial Kingdom. In that Day, the penitent will receive life everlasting… And the wicked, condemnation, forever separated from God. This is the second chance for those who will choose Christ and repent; or the second death, for all those who will not accept the Truth nor repent of their evil deeds. So yes, fear Him who has given you life, because He can also take it away.

What, then, of all these things we have and hold onto in this life? What do they matter?… They are nothing. Otherwise, why did The Lord say… „All these things shall pass away, but My words shall never pass away, for in My words all have life, life without end.“ So only life matters and the salvation of your souls. You say… ‚Everything is fine. The world isn’t that bad.‘ The Lord God says… „The earth abides forever, but this world shall pass away… Then behold, the new earth and the new heavens.“ If The Lord was pleased with this world, there would be no need of a new one. He has given the earth to men, and men have made it a world of evil and sin. It must be wiped away in preparation for the coming of His Kingdom.

All, that leads God’s people into sin, must be wiped away, so they can abide forever… Only those, without sin, live forever… Christ has abolished sin, and has taken sin from you, if you accept His sacrifice. How then can God have His people, who have been cleansed from sin, abide forever in a world of sin?… All must pass away… Sin itself must die and evil blotted out!

You say… ‚I believe in God.‘ Many of you say… ‚I believe in Jesus…‘ This is good and the beginning of wisdom. I say to you, do you really believe? If you really believed, then you would have faith; and if you had faith, your works would follow. In obedience to God is faith and love perfected. If, then, you obey not, and hold fast to this world and your worldly life, are you a friend of God or the world? Know this… All those, who are friends of the world, are enemies of God! So how can you say you believe in The One True God and His Only Begotten, if your lives remain unchanged?

Don’t you know, that you must sacrifice the world to have life with Christ?… He is greater than the world and overcame it by sacrificing His life for us. If we accept Him, who is greater than the world, into our heart, and separate ourself from the world, then it is our reasonable duty to live our life according to the Spirit, that is now within us. Shall we obey men or the commands of The Father?… We shall obey the commands of The Father… Every one!

The Bridegroom is coming, and His return is very close. I have been sent out ahead of Him, with a multitude of others who hear His voice. We go out to prepare His bride, so she shall be fit for The King. I must make a straight path for The Lord to follow and announce His coming! John went out baptizing with water, unto repentance, in preparation of The One coming after Him, whose sandals John was not worthy to loose. The One coming, is coming again.

And so I, together with all those who would be His Trumpet Call, are going out baptizing with Spirit and Truth, according to that Spirit and truth given us, so you might be spared from the Day of Troubles that is coming upon the whole world. Correction and guidance, through testimony and proclamation, must be given.

God is The Perfect Father. He has called unto His children, who have become, all in all, the children of disobedience… They have not harkened. He has also poured out His Spirit, in these last days, so they might come to Him… They have not come. So then, God must correct and discipline those He loves. First, a correction given through His prophets; then, discipline for those who would revel in their disobedience. In God’s mighty discipline will they come to Him, those who would call on His name. God will send twenty-one judgments in that Day, each consecutively greater than the last. In between each, He will listen for those who would call on Him, in His Son’s name.

Does The Good Father continue His discipline, upon the children who have repented? What of those who need not suffer His wrath, because they had repented and gave heed to The Lord’s correction, before the time of judgment? They shall not suffer God’s wrath, nor shall they be taken through… To be taken through is still to suffer. To be in a world under God’s wrath is still to suffer, because of the storm around you, in which you behold great suffering and tribulation. Shall God leave His children as prey for the lion, who goes out amongst the people devouring and seeking to devour whom he will? If you say yes, then forgiveness is no more forgiveness, and God’s love has become enmity.

I hear those who say I have only copied these words from the Bible. I testify that the Spirit, who has written all these Letters, is the same Spirit who wrote the Bible. Though I testify, it is still not I that testifies, but the Spirit of The Lord Jesus which dwells within me, by which He testifies of Himself. Even if I had copied these words out of the Bible, would they still not be God’s words?

So then, if the Letters agree with the Bible, they are God’s words; and if I had somehow taken them from the Bible, they are still His words. Know this… I do not write something new or some new testimony of God and Christ. God, Jesus and Their Spirit, are the same today, yesterday and all tomorrows to come. My testimony is the same testimony that has always been. And my testimony is this…

God created man… Man became separated from God through sin… God sent His Only Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer, die, and be raised, so we may return to The Father, by Him who The Father sent as The only Way back to Himself… So by believing in Him The Father sent, we may not die, but have eternal life and forever be with The Lord.

So everyone who reads this, who is against me, stop accusing me and holding onto the world’s doctrine. See the Letters for what they are, and turn to the Bible, where all was already written for your benefit. Give yourself completely to The Lord, and cause your life to follow suit.

To everyone who stands with me… Thank you. I will gladly suffer for you, as you have suffered for me. Let us not forget on whose behalf we all suffer… Let us rejoice that we have suffered for Him, who had first suffered for us. In Christ is our salvation… Amen.

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