SilentWakeUp This device sticks to your skin to gently wake you up | SilentWakeUp 贴在您的皮肤上轻轻唤醒您

1 year ago

This device sticks to your skin to gently wake you up

If you are tired of being woken up every morning by the shrill alarm of your phone or your clock radio, the Californian startup SmarterWakeUp has designed a small object to wear directly on your body to wake up with vibrating pulses.

Rather discreet, the device called SilentWakeUp measures only 5 cm long by 3 cm wide and 1 cm thick and adheres preferably to the forearm or chest thanks to replaceable hypoallergenic silicone adhesive pads. In addition, it works using an application available on iOS and Android that allows the user to program the time of his alarm clock in advance.

So ten minutes before the alarm goes off, the little gadget begins to send vibrations up to 200 pulses to where it is positioned on the body. They will then gradually increase so that the wearer wakes up gently. In this way, he prevents his partner from suffering the noise pollution of the usual alarm clock.

The application offers three levels of vibration depending on the weight of the person using it, but it also allows you to program other alarms during the day for appointments or various tasks, provided you always have it on you. In terms of battery life, it runs on two button batteries while the app will let you know when it's time to change them.

The American company has created a crowdfunding campaign via the Kickstarter platform on which are offered within the limits of available stocks, the devices at a price of 80 euros with 30 additional adhesive stickers. To find out more, do not hesitate to visit the official SmarterWakeUp website.

如果您厭倦了每天早上被手機或時鐘收音機的刺耳鬧鐘吵醒,加州初創公司 SmarterWakeUp 設計了一個小物件,可以直接戴在身上,通過振動脈衝喚醒您。

這款名為 SilentWakeUp 的設備相當低調,尺寸僅為 5 厘米長、3 厘米寬和 1 厘米厚,由於採用可更換的低過敏性矽膠粘墊,可以更好地粘附在前臂或胸部。此外,它還使用 iOS 和 Android 上可用的應用程序工作,該應用程序允許用戶提前設置鬧鐘時間。

因此,在鬧鐘響起前十分鐘,這個小裝置開始向它放置在身體上的位置發送高達 200 次脈衝的振動。然後它們會逐漸增加,以便佩戴者輕輕醒來。通過這種方式,他可以防止他的伙伴遭受通常鬧鐘的噪音污染。


這家美國公司通過 Kickstarter 平台發起了一項眾籌活動,在可用庫存範圍內提供這些設備,價格為 80 歐元,並附有 30 個額外的不干膠標籤。要了解更多信息,請訪問 SmarterWakeUp 官方網站。

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