What have Men Become? There’s More to Sexuality (& Life) Than This 💦 💦 !

2 years ago


Watch the full conversation HERE 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqi7WOALJLR0B6YJ0QBFLaIH1rjZUM0Ye

👉 In this video we continue our conversation about how sex as we know it has absolutely nothing to do the actual purpose of Sexuality. We discuss how conditioning has made us lose sight of the true scope and power of our sexual energy and how our ignorance and faulty thinking is in fact the root cause of human suffering and dis-ease.

#manhood #sexuality #socialconditioning


Asahd Anaami is a world class teacher, visionary, savvy entrepreneur and seasoned medicine man with 25 years of experience in the yogic and healing arts & sciences. He teaches men from all walks of life to create a life of integrity, aligned with their deepest values, ideals and aspirations, in service of others.


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