10 Massive Benefits Of Push Ups - What Will Happen If You Do Push Ups Daily

1 year ago

In general push ups is assumed to be an exercise which only builds your upper body but you will be surprised when you will come across the other amazing benefits of push ups. Here are the top 10 benefits of push ups.

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1. Helps in losing weight

While doing push ups more calories are burnt which in turn helps you lose weight and shape your body.

2. Strengthens Multiple Muscles

Push ups help to strengthen lots of muscles in your body like hand muscles such as biceps, triceps, wrist muscles, shoulder muscles, back muscles, chest, etc.

3. Strengthens your heart

Push-ups also involve your heart/chest muscles and require lot of strength while pulling your body from ground and your heart rate goes up and heart pumping increases which makes your heart strong.

4. Strengthen Joints And Bones

Besides strengthening your muscle Push-ups also strengthens joints and bones as these are also included while doing push-ups.

5. Protects Your Shoulders from Injury

Push ups help in strengthening shoulder muscles and thereby protects shoulder from injuries.

6. Improves Your Posture

Push up also involves your back muscles so this helps in improving your shoulder.

7. Prevent Lower Back Injuries

It also helps in strengthening your core which helps in preventing low back injuries.

8. No equipments needed

Push ups do not require any equipment. It can be performed at home without any equipments.

9. No Cost for a Full Body Workout

Since push ups do not require any expensive equipments it is cost-free.

10. Reduce Osteoporosis Development

Push up helps to strengthen bones thus it reduces osteoporosis development.

One of the main benefits of push ups as mentioned above is it helps in weight loss. If you are looking to lose weight Click here: https://tinyurl.com/effw3kkd -- convertkit

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