Anything Moving on Vacated Kherson Territory is Getting Annihilated by Rus AF SF Artillery -11.13.22

1 year ago

Now the territory on the right bank of Dniester is a “shooting range” for the Russian Artillery, Air-Force and Space-Force. A Group of soldiers bigger than 7 and convoy bigger than 3 vehicles are getting hit hard. Woke NATO casualties are enormous. Winter time is when Russians hit the hardest.

WATCH: Russians Call for Putin to Launch Nuclear Strike on Washington in Stunning Protest March
Meanwhile in Russia: a rally, demanding for Moscow to strike Washington. They cite Putin's words: "We will go to heaven as martyrs and they will simply croak."

Can Russia Defeat The United States In A Nuclear War?
17 October 2022 by Larry Johnson


CIA Veteran Larry Johnson: Ukraine, Russia and the Truth about NATO. A Must Share.
Why Does the West Hate Russia?

It is Ukraine, Not Russia, scraping the bottom of the barrel in search of Replacement Troops

CIA Analyst Larry Johnson: Growing panic among the Washington establishment about the deteriorating situation in Ukraine.

Is The United States Facilitating Its Own Death?

The new soldiers are Diverse, Dumber, Fatter, Less Qualified some LGBQT Perverts
Analysis by Larry Johnson Veteran of the CIA, Office of Counter Terrorism

Americans Better Wake Up and Realize the Russians Are genuinely Pissed Off

Going to War with Russia Over Ukraine May Be Suicide for America

Deconstructing Western Delusions on Ukraine and Russia

If You Think The United States Is Ready For A Conventional War With Russia or China, Think Again



Understanding Why the Deep State Is Terrified of trump’s Documents
Let me start by suggesting you read the excellent, comprehensive analysis by Sundance at The Conservative Tree House.
I can sum up the Trump documents very succinctly–the documents show that there was a coordinated effort by the CIA, the FBI and DOD starting in the summer of 2015 to interfere in the 2016 election. Part of this effort involved using NSA produced intelligence. Oliver Stone’s movie, Snowden, has a scene that accurately describes what NSA was collecting and how it could be used:

United States and Europe Shoot Themselves In the Head and Blame Russia

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