Tiffany's Epiphany What's Truth Harvest House Melvin Sangster story

2 years ago

I just report the story as I see it.
Melvin Sangster ran the Harvest House in Canada .
What's Truth stood beside Melvin Sangster ,
What's truth said he would let Melvin Sangster around his kidds.
Facts in videos more then mine
you make up your mind ?

@What's Truth Pretending to be religious is a joke by the way he acts porn bombing people on you tube.
Whats truth said he was involved in very bad things.
@Tiffany's Epiphany stands up for this and she has 8 kidds in this home.

#What's truth belongs to a you tube gang his words . ssggww ????? godly channel bill norwood shows himself last night on authority checks shty show they are over sexed in my opinion.
@What's Truth
@Tiffany's Epiphany

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