Picot Crochet Stitch Super Fast Stitch Refresher Tutorial

7 years ago

When you just need a quick refresher.

The Super Fast Stitch Refresher tutorials are made for people who already know how to crochet and just need a quick refresher on a certain stitch. These tutorials are short and to the point to remind you what motions each stitch takes to complete.

At the end of each video I give links to the slower more in depth videos of the same stitch in case you found yourself here by mistake and need more beginner type videos.

Here is a link to the full tutorial: https://youtu.be/OZCUrXfmyVE

Hook I'm using: http://amzn.to/2EpONF8
Yarn I'm using: http://www.shareasale.com/m-pr.cfm?merchantID=29190&userID=974695&productID=666331033

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Learn more at: http://www.knitandcrocheteverafter.com

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