Thousands of vaccine injuries, hardly anyone compensated - Senate Estimates 9.11.22

1 year ago

Last November it was widely reported that over 10,000 people intended to claim compensation under the governments no-fault indemnity scheme.
At that time 78,000 injuries were reported and the scheme had not been promoted by the government.
By September this year the government reported just over 3,000 claims had been made and less than 50 had been paid out on.
This is despite reported v injuries rising above 135,000.
Over 7,000 people gave up on lodging a claim against the government, not because they weren’t injured but because the medical community and the government have gaslighted their injuries. For example if you don’t spend a night in hospital you aren’t eligible for any compensation.
One constituent provided letters confirming the v caused her injury from her GP, Medical Registrar, 2 Consultant Physician Clinical Immunology and Allergy, 2 Neurologists and 1 Haematologist and was still knocked back.
The woman cannot work and is in immense pain. Her husband has had to quit his job to care for her. They are selling their assets to survive.
The audacity of these bureaucrats and the government to override these specialists and leave victims without help is just ruthless and callous.

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