The World is on Alert! Putin's Nuclear Submarine Spotted at the Border

1 year ago

Vladimir Putin's nuclear-armed submarine spotted at the NATO border! The whole world is worried that the Russian army will use nuclear weapons in Ukraine. With everything so complicated, when the Russian military's submarine ship full of nuclear weapons disappeared, everyone thought that Putin had taken action. The submarine, which the Russian military has named ‘Belgorod", is known as the largest submarine in the world. At the same time, another name for this submarine is known as the ‘ City Killer ‘. The appearance of the Belgorod submarine in a port very close to the NATO border was perceived as a threat by Russia to Western countries. Russian president Vladimir Putin is quite uncomfortable with the support of Western countries for Ukraine. Putin, who threatens Western countries at every opportunity and blackmails them not to provide natural gas, is playing the trump card of nuclear weapons this time. Russian leader Vladimir Putin seems to show off his submarine from time to time.

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