WTF 36 - Why 80,000 people won't be voting against Daniel Andrews.

1 year ago

Why won't 80,000 people be voting against Daniel Andrews.

Because they left the state, Because they didn't want to keep getting locked down, Because they had their small businesses destroyed. Because they had their jobs taken away. Because they didn't want to be coerced into taking a experimental drug which we are starting to find has had more adverse effects than any other drug in history.

Unfortunately, they are no longer Victorians. They are refugees in another state. I am sure they would have cast a vote against Dictator Dan, but he has made them outcasts so they will not get that opportunity.

I am hopeful but I am also prepared for another WTF moment with all the brainwashed zombies still covering their faces and looking forward to more lockdowns who are still suffering PTSD from their Stockholm Syndrome.

If you would like to help WTF continue, we usually ask for a $5 donation for a cup of coffee, but it looks like we will need the donation for a stiff drink the way this election is looming.

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