Camp Hook - My story as a resident.

1 year ago

Sort of a rough draft. But this video is of the primary place I grew up. I went to camp here, before I lived here, and was lucky enough to live here for 6+ additional years after it “shut down” in the early 90s.

I’ve seen other YouTubers do videos on Morningstar road and Camp Hook (ghost stories) but don’t know the actual, real stories. My brothers and I were probably the source of some of the “ghost stories”. Lol.

Camp Hook was, and is, a place of many amazing youth memories for not only my family, but so many other scouts, their families and others who lived there on and off over the past century (1900s).

I feel very blessed to have had my formative years and upbringing in this place.

It is now a part of the Dayton Metropark system. They seem to be doing their best to preserve the history and “feel” of the Camp. And I cannot say how much that means to all of us who have had experiences there. I want to give the Dayton Metropark guys kudos. I know 2 of them. Keep up the good work.

I plan on doing a multi-part documentary on Camp Hook from the perspectives of many generations of “inhabitants” who put their mark on it. From the beginning until present.

It’s a story that needs to be told! And I’ll do my best to tell it. Stay tuned for more.

#futuro #futuros #ufos Best place to see a “double futuro” UFO house.

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