Winter has arrived, first time getting into the water with snow and ice on the ground

1 year ago

First time going into the lake with snow and ice on the ground, sand mixed with snow is a different feeling going into and out of the water. I guess this is normal for nordic people to do these winter swims. Water is still relatively warm with temperature finally dropping below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Yes so I am wrapping up the garden due to the plants starting to freeze. Lets see if I can continue to do these cold water dips as the water temp continues to drop. I am curious if I will be able to deal with the Baltic water under 6 celcius. Thankfully going out every day lets me slowly acclimatize to the water temp. I played it a little safe today as I was more concerned with the afterdrop due to the air temperature being technically around freezing. I am a little more concerned about the air temps after than the water temp in this range still above 6 degrees celcius. I did notice with the slightly colder temps I noticed the capillary action a little today.. oddly though I was not really cold afterward I felt toasty warm after putting on my sweater - I think this in part is due to only staying in for half or a third of the normal time due to being extra cautious to see how my body responds to the cold air temp after getting out. So far so good hoopefully will be in a bit longer tomorrow.

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