The Great Reset (Complete Audiobook)

1 year ago

This is a comprehensive analysis of the systematic destruction and takeover of our civilization by the the globalist elite agents of the thirteen [central banking] families who have long owned this broken and emergency-managed world.
While proponents of the Great Reset push slogans like "Build Back Better," the "Fourth Industrial Revolution," and the "New Normal," the Reset is nothing short of a rebranded Bolshevik-styled takeover, exactly like the ones we saw in Russia and Hungary and numerous other unfortunate nations during the 20th century.
This unprecedented re-organization of human civilization by the Technocratic Elite threatens to strip away property rights, restrict freedom of movement and association, and radically reshape our way of life as human beings forever.
Ultimately, the Great Reset is aimed at depopulating 80% of humanity, and herding those who survive this Great Culling into a global, Technocratic feedlot that they call their New World Order.
Packed with telling statistics and dozens of quotes by leaders of the Freedom Movement, this audio/video presentation is intended for use by the general public, the media, and activists worldwide. It will allow you to critically analyze the tyrannical and unconstitutional policies that are silently being put into place by unelected bureaucrats, which are strangling our liberties.
Hopefully, you will use the valuable information delivered here to expose this diabolical agenda, so we can stop the demons who are behind it in their tracks.
See also, my essay on The Thirteen Families:

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