TheoGeeks: Egalitarianism vs. Complementarianism (Part 2)- Genesis 1-3

2 years ago

In this TheoGeeks episode David Russell and I are joined by Tyler Fowler to continue are series on Egalitarianism vs. Complementarianism. Part 2 deals with a general moral/ethical evaluation of these positions on women's roles before turing to look at women's role under ideal conditions (Pre-Fall) in Genesis 2 (what does being a "helper" imply?) and then we look at the Post-Fall conditions in Genesis 3:16 (what does God mean by telling Eve that the man shall rule over his wife as a result of the Fall?).

RSM Blog (with free sources) =

YouTube Video =

Audio Only Link =–Complementarianism-Part-2–Genesis-1-3-e1qmis1

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