"...See that Bit** Carole Baskin?" Yells AREA 51 EMPLOYEE About NETLFIX Star from TIGER KING

1 year ago

Our team of UFO & Alien Investigators©, Tim & Tracey, were at the Groom Lake Road entrance to AREA 51 when one of the employees yelled out at Tim, "...See the Bit** Carol Baskin?" Listen to the audio for yourself!

"Carole Baskin (née Carole Stairs Jones, formerly known as Carole Murdock; born June 6, 1961) is an American animal rights activist and CEO of Big Cat Rescue, a non-profit animal sanctuary based near Tampa, Florida. She has attracted the attention of local, national and international media outlets to the plight of captive big cats. Baskin drew public attention when she was featured in the 2020 Netflix true crime documentary series Tiger King, which follows Baskin's escalating feud with Oklahoma-based private zoo owner Joe Exotic. Following the release of the series, Baskin received abuse online due to the third episode of the series speculating that Baskin was involved in the disappearance of Don Lewis, her second husband. Baskin refuted these claims in a post on Big Cat Rescue's website. Her catchphrase, "Hey all you cool cats and kittens!", also became a meme as a result of Tiger King. Baskin is also well known for her appearance on Dancing with the Stars, featuring her dancing to a cover of the song "Eye of the Tiger". She and her husband Howard also appeared in the 2021 Louis Theroux documentary Shooting Joe Exotic." - Wikipedia

Learn More About Carole Baskin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carole_Baskin

Location: AREA 51 Entrance Gate, Groom Lake Road, Alamo, Nevada, USA
GPS Coordinates: 37.351278, -115.647101
Link to Location: https://www.google.com/maps/place/37%C2%B021'04.6%22N+115%C2%B038'49.6%22W/@37.351278,-115.6492897,764m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x79d30b67bc8254e9!7e2!8m2!3d37.3512785!4d-115.6471012

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#carolebaskin #tigerking #area51

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