Big Tree Down

2 years ago

Late Thursday night ( technically early Friday morning ) about 12:45 AM, I heard a slight creak and then a thunderous BOOM outside of my house. I go out to check what the cause of this noise was, and discover that the huge tree in my yard had fallen across the street with the top branches landing in the neighbors yard across the street. It looks like the ends of the branches had hit the power lines on the other side, but the impact was not enough to bring the power lines down. Whew!

As I was outside, a jeep came down the street, looking like it was going to crash into the downed tree. The driver stopped a bit before it. I talked to him, and he said if he hadn't looked up from his phone, he might have run into the tree. I was like, "who do I call for this?" He said call the police. So I went back inside and called the Overland Park police, and in about 15 minutes, I had 3 police vehicles show up on the scene. I went out to talk to the police officers, and they thought they'd show up and be able to move the tree themselves, but were surprised to see how huge it was. We all just laughed it off.

Then about 2:20 AM, Public Works showed up with a huge truck equipped with a crane and a claw, and went to work on the downed tree, along with a few men on the ground with chainsaws. In about 50 minutes, the entire downed tree was gone. And the Publics Works crew was gone shortly after. What a huge relief, I was finally able to go back to sleep.

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