Daniel Chapter 7 - Understanding Daniel's Visions & Judgment in Favor of the Saints – Part 1

1 year ago

Date Uploaded: Jan 7, 2020
Daniel chapter 7 Explained Verse by Verse - Understanding Daniel's Visions, the World Kingdoms of Daniel 2 and 7 & Judgment in Favor of the Saints – Part 1

God’s throne is ablaze with flames and has wheels burning with fire. Now, that’s not what most people imagine when they think about God’s throne. However, this is exactly what we find in Daniel chapter 7. In this Bible study, we’ll discover more details from the Daniel chapter 2 prophecy regarding the rise and fall of earthly kingdoms. We’ll also witness a heavenly courtroom scene where God is seated on His fiery throne ready to execute judgment against a power that persecutes His people. We will learn how to let the Bible interpret the Bible to decipher the symbolic language of winds, seas, beasts, horns, and prophetic time periods. We’ll understand greater truth about the conflict between good and evil as well as discover the identity of the anti-Christ power (little horn power of Daniel 7). God wants His people to accurately interpret the word of God and be encouraged that Jesus Christ is receiving a kingdom before returning to the earth to gather His Church to heaven. This study is the beginning of the prophetic chapters of Daniel. It is at this point in this Bible study series that we start to dig deep to uncover even greater truth about God’s word in end times. #AngelsintheGlen #BibleStudy #BookofDaniel #RevelationExplained #endtimes #bibleprophecy

Timings for topics covered in this lesson:
- 00:00 Beginning
- 02:23 Daniel 2 Review
- 06:23 Daniel's vision of Chapter 7 explained (how to interpret Biblical symbols)
- 20:18 Judgment in Favor of the Saints

For more on Daniel chapter 7 and to get the resources, visit: https://www.angelsintheglen.org/daniel7

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Your comprehensive guide to Bible prophecy, preparing you for Christ's soon return. Join us as we let the Bible interpret the Bible. You’ll come away from this in-depth Bible study series with a clear understanding of Bible prophecy and of what the mark of the beast is according to the Bible.

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Link to the Original Video Upload on Youtube by Angels in the Glen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWVZk9b2kOQ

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