Hegelian dialectic...

2 years ago

This video is from the Russian-Georgia conflict in 2008, where the same tactics they are using now in Ukraine were used in Georgia. The `powers that be` usually need a few practice runs before they do something major. The USA regime stirs up the conflict and Putin talks about how the `west` is an empire of lies. The Ukraine war is where the Hegelian dialectic is being pushed on the world. The `powers that be` want a clash of ideologies, the so called `west` versus `Russia` and they will escalate the `war` when necessary in order to impoverish the world and bring in their digital ID. Hegelian dialectic is where one idea is put forward (thesis) and it is opposed by an equally assertible and apparently contradictory proposition (antithesis) both positions are reconciled after a clash, by a third proposition (synthesis).This process is repeated until society is moved in the direction the powers that be want it to go. The plan is to bring in a New World Order where the UN will be totally reformed. The 5 permanent members will be forced to submit to the dictates of the New UN and the UN will govern the new Digital World. Zelensky is just a puppet to stir up anti-Russia hysteria, he is promoted on all main stream media and all the so called governments of the `west` rally behind Zelensky . On the other side we have Putin, China and Iran, they will have to escalate the war to such an extent that the new UN will have to be involved in order to bring world `peace`. We are all being played, the WEF is the puppet master. The plannedemic was orchestrated by the WEF, and this `war` and impoverishment of the world is meticulously orchestrated by them also. We are heading for very difficult times and only believing in the Lord Jesus Christ will see you stand in these dark times.

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