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Young Men and Fire (Norman Maclean)

2 years ago

An exploration of man and nature, with emphasis on the former, and of life and death.

The written version of this review can be found here:


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This and all Worthy House narrations are offered with accurate closed captions (not auto-generated).

"Not long ago, as I wrote, I was listening to a playlist on Spotify (I listen to music when I write, but never when I read). It was Spotify’s weekly list of suggested songs based on listening history—for me, a mix of genres, heavy on thumping EDM (electronic dance music), my preferred writing music, but also indie folk. One song caught my attention—“Cold Missouri Waters,” a haunting song about thirteen smokejumpers dying while fighting a forest fire. I was interested enough to look up the song, and found it relates a true story, equally haunting—the Mann Gulch Fire, in 1949. And from there I found this classic work, now thirty years old." . . . .


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