The Light is Among You: A Manchester and London Breakthrough Healing Trailer

1 year ago

When Jesus sends you "to the nations", it means He is going to equip you with an anointing to bring His children Home - a moment in time where a soul will be illuminated to turn around their lives and prepare for HOME.

25-26 November, Our Lady's RC Church in Manchester UK
28 Nov - 2 Dec 20. Patrick's in Soho, London UK

While the Churches are closed, our family is in the front lines "SAVING, SANCTIFYING and SERVING" families. You can help us save your loved ones because we are not afraid of the forces of darkness. They have ripped our family apart, but we fought by digging deep through the treasures of the Catholic Church. We are "Patrick and Joy Campbell" but we are not alone. Our family in Christ is behind us. We are now in the thousands but will reach at least a million in 2020 because the BATTLE IS NOW ON FOR OUR FAMILIES! Join us.

About the Workshop:

This retreat has been viewed, presented to his parish, and approved by the Chief Exorcist of the Diocese of Charleston as being "edifying" for the Church.

The retreat is like a 'field expert" guide on how to be victorious in your spiritual battles by knowing where your enemy hides in several doors that you may unknowingly open not just because of one's sins but also the unexplained temptations that may be brought about through sin patterns in the family.

The retreat is a stirring presentation that had been successful, in bringing those out of the Church for many years - to come home. The retreat is an eye-opener, igniting a fire in the hearts of the priests that attended this workshop. It is ideal for those who had lost their faith in the Church, lukewarm, discouraged and heavily burdened with many forms of evil in their lives. Most of all, this retreat will change your life and move you to be a superhero for your family, parish and communities. It will teach you why some of the things you are doing are not having any effect. You will witness a miracle first in yourself and then it will ripple to those around you.

The Victory Retreats and Conferences are led by Patrick and Joy Campbell and their family. As Founders of the Cross of St. Benedict Society and Joyful Hope Missionaries, they have partnered with the United for Life Foundation to bring this retreat to the US, Canada and the world.

About the Video:

They gave the presentation in this video to Confirmation candidates and adults at St. Rita and St. Aloysius parishes in Tulare, California.

Msgr. Richard Urizalqui gave a beautiful testimonial on how this stirring presentation moved him as he observed how Patrick Campbell communicated effectively his battles with Satan and the steps he took to lead him and his family to triumph.

He noted that Patrick moved the students and inspired them, giving them a fresh perspective on their Catholic faith and ways to serve the Church.

This two-hour presentation comprises the Campbell family testimony of 3-generation of healing and the miracles that happened in their lives leading to the apostolate of accompanying the families in their wounds and leading them to the field hospital, the Church.





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