Microsoft Azure Fundamentals 06

1 year ago

Connectivity :-

1. If the vm’s are part of same Vnet , even though it’s part of diff subnets , the vm’s will communicate by default

Ping Private ip

Hybrid connectivity options :-

1. Vnet Peering : if you have a two different Vnets , which are part of same region , to enable the connectivity we can use Vnet Peering
2. Global Vnet Peering : to enable the connectivity b/w Vnets which are part of two different regions
Point to Site (P2s)

1. Create Vnet, subnets
2. Create Gateway Subnet and create Vnet gateway
3. Generate the Certificates- root and child
4. Upload root cert key data in VPN Gateway
5. Install child cert in your PC
6. Download the VPN client
7. Connect to vpn client

Task : Create P2s and Verify it
Taks 2 : you need to create Vnet peering and verify it

Site to Site connection :
1. To enable the connectivity b/w onprem data center to Azure VNET
2. Here the traffic flow will go over the Internet
3. We need to encrypt our traffic
Site to SIte Steps :

1. Create a Vnet and subnets
2. Create Gateway subnet and Vnet gateway

Express Route : -

1. Dedicated connection b/w you onporem DC to Azure Vnet
2. You will get dedicated speed/Bandwidth
3. You need to choose the Plan weather metered/Unlimited
Peering options :
1.Azure Private peering : - to enable the connectivity to Azure Vnet
2. Microsoft Peering : - if you are trying to enable the connectivity to the Microsoft services such as O365, Dynamics 365 and azure public ip’s/services

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