2 years ago

Sometimes the angels and devils around me stop me in my tracks and make me re-evaluate. You can't see the original most likely because the 10 that did were myself and the authorities until without a hitch it went on Rumble@ Priltz or THE FRANK ZAPPA SHOW and sometimes, like it did today, I am forced to Re-Evaluate, which everyone should do from time to time, especially around the elections. And as it turned out, it's actually better because it's the America I know!!!!

It would be very interesting to know from you. My Loyal Viewers, all 80 of you if you can even see the original version of Freedom on my channel on YT. I know it went behind walls all over in countries that mention Freedom a lot in their ads, but rarely in their actions. What a great. COINCIDENCE.

So hopefully it resides here now. A playable of the original is on Rumble, and the historical pictures have been thoroughly been cleansed and reduced to residual echoes on an ethernet paper towel.

We all know what this is, Folks. The greatest Slave Rebellion in the history of the World while the greatest Theft is taking place at the same time. STAY AWAKE! Be WISE.

Beware of the Government Cheese.

Good Energy to all!!!

Norman Rockwell must be beside himself now!

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