Donald Trump Announces His Official Run For The Presidency 15.Nov.2022

2 years ago


Political Theatre at its best/worst/most deceptive yet. 2022/2023/2024

Trump vs Obama and Kanye West might throw himself in the ring for a bout as well in this Scripted, Staged, Orchestrated, Fixed match.

To delude the sleeping Zombie, Sheeple, Goat masses.

The Bible says God will send them strong Delusion all that should believe a Lie and take pleasure in Unrighteousness.

Now that promise covers a lot of things/events and people best be aware and remain vigilant and not so easily be snared by blatant Lies.

Barack Hussein Obama born 4th August 1961. (8.4.61)

The 216th Day of the Year = 6x6x6 = 216 = Wikipedia Number 216.

Revelation 13:18 King James Bible = 666.

Kanye West with his changing of baseball caps 2023/2024. (Programming)

Admitting to Tucker Carlson recently that his Handlers (MK Ultra) control him.

Movie Split Released on Trumps Inauguration Day 20th.January.2017.

Pls (Watch the Trailers.)

The 23 Personalities of the Man called Kevin.
Of which Barry S is one (Barry Sotero) (Aka Barack Obama)

The 24th Personality to emerge is "The Beast"


Let's go back a bit.


Most times taking into account calendar days.

666 Days = 84 Weeks + 2 Months 16 Days = Obama's Birth Numbers.

666 Programming.

Joe Biden Announces his run for the Presidency January 7th 2007

+ 666 Days

= November 4th 2008 Obama declared President of the United States.

Obama Visits Hiroshima Japan 27th May 2016
(First ever US President to do so since America dropped the nukes.)
Last trip to Japan during his Presidency.

+ 666 Days

25th/26th March 2018. Obama arrives in Japan post Presidency to speak at the 4th Global leaders conference declares "he would like to create a million Barack Obama's. To take on the baton of Human progress."

Obama and his "Higher Ground" production company. Isaiah chapter 14.

1st Documentary called American Factory released USA 21st August 2019 IMDb

+ 666 Days

= Movie Fatherhood IMDb. Released Internet USA 18th June 2021.
(Bible says Satan is the Father of Lies.)

Obama the Father of the American Factory which is the USA.

Kanye West and Donald Trump meet at the Trump tower December 13th 2016.

+ 666 Days

Kanye West and Donald Trump meet at the Oval Office The Whitehouse
October 11th 2018.

24th April 2018 Kanye Tweets that he and Trump "We are both dragon energy"

to which Trump replied, "Very Cool".

Revelation chapter 13 speaks of who the Dragon is: and for those who are truly awake would know that the Dragon, (Lucifer/Satan) empowers the 1st Beast The 666 man Barack Hussein Obama.

Remember Split the Movie released on 20th January 2017.

Trumps Inauguration Day? The Day he moved into the Whitehouse.

20.1.2021 Bidens Inauguration Day the day Trump moved out of the Whitehouse.

+ 666 Days

= 15th November 2022 Trump to announce his Presidential run officially for 2023/2024.

So 666 Days since Trump exited the Whitehouse 20.1.2021 and the Movie Split Released 20.1.2017 he announces he will run again as the 1st of the Contestants. (CON) testers.

Against Kanye (Judas and the Black Messiah movie)

and Trump (Black KKKlansman Movie).

Question is now.

Who does Trump and Biden really work for and for who's agenda?

The Beast. Barack Hussein Obama.

Man of Sin, Son of Perdition, Antichrist.

\The 666 Man.

United Nations 2030 17 Sustainability Goals.

World Economic Forum The Great Reset.

Fourth Industrial Revolution or as Daniel says The Fourth Kingdom of the Beast.

The Great Reset to be followed by Great Tribulation (3.5 Years) 42 months 0r 1260 Days of the judgements of Revelation. Climate change on steroids.

Movie Rapture Palooza 2013.

17 Sustainability goals to be followed by Christs Millennial Kingdom a thousand years of Peace.

Get a Evidence Bible today and get on the winning side.

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