WaterFast Update Broke my 14 day record!

1 year ago

Just a little waterfast update.

How to waterfast video: https://youtu.be/Fz2UlG8DIAY

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Thank you for Being. ☀️

Identity Transcendence Coach 🌟 — Guided Meditations — Expanding Consciousness — Remembering Guide 🍄🐸🍃❤️ — Plant Teachers — Helping You Unfold Into YourSelf 🙏🏻 ♾Lessons♾Teachings♾Blessings♾

#lessonsteachingsblessings , #lessons , #teachings , #blessings , #wisdom , #spirituality , #wholistic , #guide , #guidance , #harmonic , #lesson , #teaching , #blessing , #learning , #spiritual , #beyondduality , #truth , #nonduality , #unlimityourself , #waterfast , #waterfasting

My goal as a guide is to help people understand that they’re Unlimited Self-Creating Beings and help them step into ReCreating the Highest Vision of ThemSelf 🤝

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