Yuri Bezmenov – "How to Brainwash a nation"

1 year ago

Yuri Bezmenov was a Soviet journalist co-opted and trained by the KGB when he defected to the West in 1970. In 1984 (appropriately enough) he wrote a book called, “Love Letter to America” under his pen name, Tomas Schuman, to warn about long-term Marxist (Communist) tactics and disinformation campaigns he was seeing in the United States:

“My dear friends, I think you are in big trouble. Whether you believe it or not, YOU ARE AT WAR. And you may lose this war very soon, together with all your affluence and freedoms, unless you start defending yourselves. . . . The driving force of this war has very little to do with natural aspirations of people for better lives and greater freedoms. If at all, these aspirations are being used and taken advantage of by the manipulators and progenitors of the war. The real driving force of this war of aggression is IDEOLOGY — something you cannot eat, wear or store for a “rainy day”. An integral part of this war of ideology is IDEOLOGICAL SUBVERSION — the process of changing the perception of reality in the minds of millions of peoples all over the world. The late comrade Andropov, the former head of the Soviet KGB called this war of Communist aggression, “the final struggle for the MINDS and hearts of the people”.”

Bezmenov was trained and used by the KGB (the “Sword and the Shield” for the State—NOT the Russian people—because in Marxism, the State is God) for their global ideological subversion campaign. In his job, he had first-hand knowledge about the methods they use and their ultimate goals, which, he says, “are very far from the liberty, equality and freedom they verbally espouse. Because I have seen the tragic consequences of this war of ideological subversion, I would like to offer some suggestions as to how we in the United States can DEFEND ourselves against this deadly war and how we can SURVIVE in this “final struggle for minds and hearts.”
READ MORE: https://unconstrainedanalytics.org/kgb-defector-yuri-bezmenov-warns-america-of-marxist-subversion/

If Hillary had won, we would have been DOOMED by the people Yuri describes here…

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