Melbourne Freedom Rally - 12 11 2022 - Part 6 of 10

1 year ago

Speech at Victoria State Library about the AHPRA "Covid19 vaccine position statement" published March 2021.
Go to their website and search - covid19 vaccine position statement.
on that PDF on page 3 - paragraph states.
Any promotion of anti vaccination statements or health advise which contradicts the best available scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national immunisation campaign including via social media is not supported by national boards and may be in breach of the codes of conduct and subject to investigation and possible regulatory action.

This is what YOUR doctor MUST abide by otherwise face deregistration and other disciplinary action.
Speech about discrimination against people for just existing the way God created them.
History will prove the Freedom people to be right.
Various other speeches.

March down Swanston Street.

woman puts a fibrous plastic suffocation band over babys face and gets rude when someone concern about babys safety, and another makes rude hand gesture as it walks away while poisoning the baby.

March down Bourke Street Mall.

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