Melbourne Freedom Rally - 12 11 2022 - Part 5 of 10

1 year ago

Display image of jabbed who attacked and mouthed off and made rude gestures towards Freedom Rally people.

March down Elizabeth Street.
March up La Trobe Street.
Jab jab woman lashes out and assaults Freedom Rally people and has a mental breakdown, it blames the Freedom Rally people for the things d a mandated which she complied with.
It refuses to be consoled by anyone except a evil tyrant criminal.
March up La Trobe Street to Victoria State Library.

Speech about the children who are suffering and dying from Myocarditis and Pericarditis while some people continue to laugh about it, despite big pharma have already released the documents stating these very facts.

Booklets from Jab Injuries Australia showing the stories of some people who have suffered injuries directly from the jab jab.

Speech about what price will you put on the life of your child ?

Speech about the crimes of the premier and rimes against God & the people of God.

Speech about how every single month since the year 1975 - 25,000 babies are born each month.
Sine the roll out of the "vaccines" that number has decreased to only 6,000.

While those who do get to have children usually have breathing illnesses or are stillborn.
Speech about catholic and church schools are teaching children boys are girls and girls are boys and they get entitlement and access to hormones and gender genitalia mutilation and vaccination without parental knowledge or consent.
Speech about the government mutilating and killing children.

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