Applying Biblical Teaching for Detecting False Information - Part 2

2 years ago

This is Part 2 of our video series on Applying Biblical Teaching for Detecting False Information. In our prior video we talked about some common tactics used for deceiving people and walked through a specific example: the concept that churches shouldn’t say something that could be offensive or political. Now we’re going to look at what happened as a result of the churches complying and agreeing not to say anything that could be deemed political or offensive. You’ll see that a lot has happened in the world you may not be aware of! Could these events be leading us down the path to a one world government like in Biblical prophesy and the churches aren’t even saying anything about it to believers?! Here are the links for doing your own research so you can be informed to decide for yourself:

The World Economic Forum and the Great Reset:

Video Intro of Great Reset Agenda:

Using Covid 19 to springboard into Great Reset:

4th Industrial Revolution according to Klaus Schwab:

Yuval Noah Harari, advisor to Klaus Schwab making the claim that there is a “useless class” as workplace automation increases: (can skip to 3:37)
Bill Gates discussed using vaccines and reproductive health services to reduce the population (don’t mind the subtitles, ha ha)

Vaccines are a modification to human DNA, “cellular gene therapy,” according to Stefan Olerich, president of Bayer’s pharmaceuticals division:

WEF’s ideas on how to “Build Back Better”… also Biden’s campaign slogan:

Here’s a denial by media that Biden supports the great reset during his campaign where he was promoting his Build Back Better plan, which implements each step of the Great Reset:

Later, John Kerry revealed Biden will support the great reset agenda saying “yes it will happen and I think it will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine.” See intro then skip to minute 27:13 - 28

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Also, follow along with our article on this topic as well:
And here are the prior videos that are important to catch up on:

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