US midterms: No representation without exhumation - UK Column News - 11th November 2022

1 year ago

- Florida: unprecedented and rapid landslide to Republicans
- Anti-lockdown Governor Ron DeSantis roundly re-elected
- Patrick Henningsen analysis: Florida, with its large number of Electoral College votes, is no longer a swing state
- Latinos becoming markedly more Republican in Florida and Texas
- In four heretofore swing states that are good for over 100 Electoral College votes for the presidency, the young are turning highly conservative
 - Clip: De Santis comes out swinging against woke ideology in his victory speech (as did Kristi Noem in hers in South Dakota):
- “So many jurisdictions across America withered on the vine; millions are leaving them; Florida is where woke goes to die”
- Tablet: It is clear that progressivism is now quite dead
- Nigel Farage predicts “titanic clash” between Trump and DeSantis in the post-midterms Republican Party
 - He being dead yet sitteth — in Congress
- Pennsylvania: Mentally disabled John Fetterman wins senatorial race
- At state level, Tony DeLuca got elected in Pennsylvania even though he died before election day 
- His party caucus in the state house tweets a mockery of the ballot
- Dead men legislating is an animatronic American trend long enough for a Newsweek list
- Another example from San Diego, California: Chula Vista district looks due to elect the deceased Simon Silva 
- Patrick Henningsen commentary: A cynical strategy — but completely legal, and one practised more than once in this election cycle
 - Biden the ultimate lame duck in the latter half of his term — but mainstream journalists hail his resurrection
- Clip: Will Biden change any of his woke policies? Biden answers: “Nothing; I’m not going to change anything”

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