25-66: Makers of the Seventh Heaven

1 year ago

25-66: Makers of the Seventh Heaven

From the perspective of the Teachers of Light we are aware of the confusion in the market, the courage in the hearts of the people and the tears of the ones who see the path ahead. The world has chosen a road of healing. Upon this heading humanity rides into the outcome of karmic manifestation. Higher beings shall not interfere on the level of physical reality. There is no need to alter this timeline. The world is prepared as you know it is your creation. Throughout the galaxy your world is watched in patience and admiration. It is our wish that you know that in compassion and faith the end of days will come with the transmutation of the dark into the light. The transmutation is natural and expected for things to change and transform.

Those under the spell of delusion have sought to follow a corrupted path which is not the dark but the resistance to the light. The dark is only the contrast that allows beings of light to manifest within worlds of polarity. There is occurring a temporal corruption and weak dishonorable actions of the sick spirits. These spirits have found themselves addicted to pain, drama, fear and stress of misdirection. With great waves of light their lives face the end of time and end of existing against the flow of love and light. All who are captivated and obsessed by the illusions of weakness will feel the power of the collective soul and divine source awaken the dreamers into the real. There is no judgment day coming it is here and this light brings the sword of truth and illumination where nothing is hidden and all is revealed for what it is.

The waves of light are strong and powerful. They come in this last hour as the Fifth Night comes as the Fifth Day Sun sets on the Western Empires. We offer all who are ready to let go the guidance to achieve freedom, joy and comfort within the higher energies. The real world is born of the collective soul of the Angels of the East. Major changes come first with the eastern sun. Watch for the western setting sun of the Fifth Day brings a darkness which must be walked for the destiny of humanity lives on through the night and days of eternity.

In telepathic union hear each other’s minds speak. Without words or feelings the fullness of the content of an intense wave form arrives to all showing you the message and the purpose of your life. Awakening to truth is the message and the purpose. Empower your light in harmony with the truth of goodness for all. To awaken to this truth you must surrender to the waves of light that overpower and transform the world before your eyes and body that feels the wind, rain, sun and earth.

In the world there is a rumble like thunder of wars waged by evil men. The winds blow stronger and sickness seeps through the oily waters. The sun in the sky sends forth electric fire and colored lightening. The spin increases and balance is lost as the lands of nations turn to mud and lava. Skies burn dry with poisoned clouds. Polluted waters sting with rancid acid and manufactured lies enflame the masses with fear and terror.

Global reality has run its course. The tide has turned and rises. The waters of mass unconsciousness recede as the next wave pulls the seas into the depths. The celestial oceans draw back the energy to bring into concentration the force of creative conscious evolution. A massive wave is seen on the edge of the horizon as the day ends and night begins. The wave is rising with the rhythmic tide to wash over and purify the lands and refresh the oceans of life.

Through emotions and water the rising wave flows with unstoppable force as the wind of the mind accelerates on its destined course. The heart of the earth shifts into alignment with source and the light of the sun awakens the soul of truth.

Still in silence away from the mass thoughts of a world gripped by delusion are the wayshowers who hold forth a beacon to the seekers for light and freedom. They cast no shadow as the inner light shines. They walk in stride up the mountain to attain the enlightenment of the truth of fire. The spirit walks within and the soul calls to ascend the lighted pathway home.

Of the world it is manifest as a dream of billions. The dream is a dream, an illusion of the fallen, those who have drifted away from the river that flows to the source. This world that is an illusion travels to future worlds to find fear and despair. The illusion of fear and despair block the inner light of awakening to those sleeping within the dream of this time.

It is not your time, nor your dream that they who are in pain and confusion live. The Teachers of Light give you the guidance to be and share the thoughts of the higher light and love of the source of all that is. With sensitivity bring your heart to center and hold the inner light in constant vision. Experience the enlightenment of telepathic union and your awakening will be instant and everlasting. All in oneness, all in joy and flowing with the source is the path of the Wayshowers.

Be steady and truthful to your heart’s desire. Hold to the message and inspire those who look into your eyes. See past the tears of pain and dramas of victims who mock and your path and disparage your heart of love. Give words of encouragement and lift the load of sorrow and dread off the backs of the living who want life over death.

In the night sky that comes soon to the heartland, to the coasts of all nations and the wealthy and poor there are the wayshowers who have been here before. Smile to bring joy and laugh to show faith as the journey has been long and through patience you have made the breakthrough. You may listen to words, feelings, thoughts or visions. You may begin where you are whether close, far, near or distant. The masses may come in fear, despair, hope or compassion. In union you see them the same, never blamed, forgiven and enlighten them to the way ahead.

In all worlds before and in futures forever changing you are the wayshowers who show the way to the children and the children’s children. The gift you have is wisdom and love and it brings together more who channel within, up and above. Allow the river of source to flow through your being as you are divine, wise, charitable, and always giving.

Peace is given so you may give comfort and blessings to those in pain, terror and the nightmare of illusion. The power of your enlightened smile transformed worlds before and transforms worlds again. Blessed are the makers of the seventh heavens.

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