The Raw Deal (11 November 2022)

1 year ago

The theft of the midterm elections in 2022 could not be more obvious to anyone who gives the matter the least thought. We have wondered how Biden could have won a record low of 16.7% of US counties and yet supposedly won with the most votes in history. Democrats have lost support among almost every voting group: among women (including white suburban women), moderates, youth, people of color (including Hispanics), urban voters, college graduates, and independents. Poll after poll has documented what to expect as the outcome. Yet the results are astonishingly (and incredibly) different from those projections, where the difference represents the role of causal factors other than voter preferences and votes cast: once again, the grand theft of an election on (as though it were even possible) an. even grander scale than in 2022. I recount the results of poll after poll, where the election of John. Fetterman in PA and the (apparent) loss of Keri Lake in AZ illustrate the enormity of the theft. Roger Stone calls it out with which I completely agree. We have to face up to the fact that our nation is no longer Of the People, By the People, and For the People, but run by Democrats (with the complicity of the CIA) to maintain their power, even though they don't give a shit for the nation, the constitution, or the people. Biden has boasted of US interference in Brazil, which was managed by the CIA. At this point in our history, no one should harbor any lingering doubt that the same techniques are now being used to manipulate the results of our elections up and down the line. Reread the Declaration of Independence. The time has come. We are being reduced to slavery. We have the choice.

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