Stop Pushing The Limits/Back To The Basics On Healing Pt. 24

2 years ago

In our society, rest or resting is a strange concept for some! The idea of resting without feeling guilty is foreign to many believers who are driven and overstressed. Too much stuff to get done, to much to do to take time off. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore defines how important from a biblical standpoint rest is to God and how not taking the the time to relax and recharge can and will casue us to become more stressed, emotionally depleted and physically drained.
This Back To The Basics series is an exciting study on Health and Healing. Each lesson is designed to help you see God's divine purpose, will and provision in what He has provided through healing. We accomplish this by taking an extensive look at what God's Word has to say on health and healing for every believer in life.

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