Why is Jon Stewart lying? I prove it, I just don't understand it.

1 year ago

In my longer video covering the issue, I cut a lot of him out. I thought he was caught up in the disinformation campaign the Democrats were using and genuinely trying to help disabled veterans. I did not want him to look bad.

As a disabled Veteran myself, I highly commended him and was thankful for his support. I found out before I even finished the longer video that he was wrong. I call him out for it, but not as a liar, as I am now.

He claims to have read the actual documents at senate.gov and congress.gov. That's what changed my mind. He is lying, he has not read them, or worse, if he has, he doesn't want you to go read it for yourself. "Just listen to me, I know what I'm talking about, no need to go look, I already did..." you get the idea.

I don't expect you to listen to me and believe what I say, I show you the evidence because I put in the research, and I have the time. I show you the truth, I'm not just a talking head telling you what to believe. My evidence comes straight from the sources where the information stems from, to begin with.

The very same place he is telling us to go, but I suspect he knows it’s very difficult to navigate the congress site, understand the terminology, and find what you need. He also knows, that most of us don’t have the time to do it.

But I do. It took 2 days, but I learned enough to find that evidence and present it to you here, now, hopefully in an entertaining way.

Sorry Jon, but you're wrong, and whatever your motives, you are also now a liar too.

As always, step back from your preconceptions, stay educated, keep an open mind, take a deep breath, don’t let emotions like anger be your guide, be safe, and as always, stay free.

-With love, your Political Professor

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