Channel Intro: What I'm all about and why I do this.

1 year ago

I want to help you stay educated. I know you have a busy life, so I am here trying to dispense the truth so you can just flip on the T.V. after working 10 hours and see what the world is up to, without having to watch content designed to be biased and make you believe something instead of letting you decide how to feel.

I just caught Jesse Watters on Fox doing that very thing and called him out on it. I am not a Fox hater, I am not a news hater, if you report the news with the facts as you know them, without persuasion, that is commendable and lost art, like investigative reporting.

President Johnson once said, “If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost Middle America.” This was during the Vietnam war. The day after the report aired on the CBS Evening News, President Johnson called network executive Frank Stanton.

“Hello, Frank, this is your president.”

“Yes, Mr. President.”

“Frank, you trying to f*ck me?”

The government has been trying to control the news media for a long time.

We are all people, period; we just have different ideas, and we need to respect each other's opinions and personal beliefs. That is what America is all about, a salad bowl of good idea-solving solutions and people of various cultures that could help solve the many problems we face today.

But unfortunately, these ideas and solutions will not be heard by many of us because we are so divided. Good ideas and solutions are often dismissed just because of the source. That is sad and wrong.

You must promise to keep an open mind, and please stop taking sides. We are all in this together. Look at the black person to your left, the gay/LGBTQ person to your right, and the conservative and liberal in front of you. Do our differences mean so much that we have to hate each other over them?

"It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." -Thomas Jefferson

Why should anyone be silenced or shunned because of their personal beliefs? Do you think for yourself? Or, do you stand with one political party and EVERYTHING they represent, filling in all the (R) or (D) bubbles on your voter pamphlet?

John Adams worried that “a division of the republic into two great parties … is to be dreaded as the great political evil.” And that’s exactly what has come to pass. From the mid-60s to the mid-90s we had a four-party system until it collapsed. In today's system, we are seeing fewer and fewer moderate and independent politicians. This is leading or already has, us to "voting on party lines" where regardless of the content of a bill, one party will completely oppose it simply because the other wrote it.

I fear my fellow Americans and the news media have done the same.

PLEASE step back, step out of party lines, take a deep breath, and clear your head of the ideas that have been seeded there by the media, politicians, and celebrities. See the broader picture so you can have a better understanding of what is unfolding around you.

I will criticize certain politicians and groups, but that does not mean I am conservative or Liberal. I cannot help that, at this moment, one party has the majority. So, the decisions and laws being passed that I speak about, are going to be passed by the Democrats and in turn, my criticism may seem one-sided at times. Liars and crooks will be lambasted accordingly. And yes, I will make fun of some politicians now and then, but we still have to have a good time!

I will try to balance this the best I can. It will change, evolve, and so will my channel, as Senate, House majorities, and Presidents come and go.

My objective is to push you to make up your own mind and form your own opinions. I am not trying to tell you how to think or what to believe, and if you catch me doing so, call me out on it!

Leave a comment, because I promise you, I do not mean to come across as pushing ANY agenda other than liberty, free speech, keeping an open mind, and calling out those who seek to deceive.

I even made a boring, but informative video showing you where you can find the evidence as I do. So, when you hear or see an issue that is so galvanized that it makes you stop and think, “wtf is really going on here,” you can go look for yourself.

If you would like me to go into greater detail about any of the tools shown in that video, let me know and I will do my best to help make it easier for you.

Let me know in the comments on any video, about any issues you would like me to cover, or questions you have. I care about what you think and have to say!

As always, stay free, stay educated, keep an open mind, take a deep breath, do not let emotions like anger be your guide, stop picking sides, and be safe. Did I say stay free? :)

-With love and respect, your Political Professor

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